Cosmetic Dental Issues of Erosion

While there are some new and wonderful ways to correct your teeth after they begin to erode, there are also several ways to prevent dental erosion from happening in the first place. There are several cosmetic dental defects that can occur from erosion such as discoloration, chipping and gum recession. In fact, gum recession can later lead to the loosening or loss of teeth.

Prevention methods

Aside from regular dental cleanings, brushing and flossing, there are some things you can do to help prevent or slow down dental erosion. Smoking is one of the first causes of dental erosion. It can cause your teeth to yellow and decay. Smoking tobacco products can also contribute to gum disease.

Another thing to be careful with that you may not think of is tongue piercings. They can contribute to chipping in your teeth and even contribute to gum recession.  Avoiding highly acidic beverages and foods can also help or rinsing your mouth with water after consuming these beverages or foods.

Since saliva is part of what protects the enamel on your teeth, dry mouth can contribute to the erosion of your teeth. If you do have a case of dry mouth, you may want to ask your dentist for a recommendation for a restoring mouthwash. Drinking plenty of room temperature water can also help with erosion.

Causes of erosion to watch out for

There are some causes of erosion that can be somewhat out of your control such as genetic conditions like acid reflux. In this case, it is best to do anything else you can do avoid dental erosion. If you tend to grind your teeth in your sleep or brush your teeth too hard these are both huge causes for dental erosion

A mouth guard of some kind would be best for the night time to help protect your enamel. For your teeth instead of brushing too hard, try to keep it soft and light and use a soft-bristled toothbrush two times a day. Focus more on making sure to get all the hard to reach places on your teeth and gums rather than trying to brush hard.

Finally, make sure to check your medications. If your diet is too high in sugary and acidic products this can also contribute to dental erosion. Once dental erosion has happened, there are several things that can be done to help with maintaining the original appearance of your teeth. The cosmetic dentistry used will depend on the extent of the damage.

Call South Florida Smile Spa, Nicole M. Berger, DDS for more information

For teeth that have more damage than re-mineralizing toothpaste can handle, such as a small dent to the enamel, dental bonding can be used to help restore the original look of your teeth. It is the small color as the tooth and can help get it back to its normal appearance and color.

However, if the damage is greater than what even the dental bonding can handle, the next cosmetic dental option would be crowned. This option offers more full coverage for the tooth and will also help hide severely eroded teeth.

Call (954) 395-2419 today to reach South Florida Smile Spa, Nicole M. Berger, DDS.

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