Cavities, What Makes You Prone to Them?

Ever since you are born there are certain things your parents teach you that become law. One of these is brushing your teeth when you wake up in the morning and again when you go to sleep. This is to prevent cavities from forming. Cavities are easy to avoid as long as you know what to do.

Cavities: Causes

There are a couple of different causes of cavities. A pair of these we have no control over such as the actual shape of your teeth, or crowded teeth. Holes tend to occur more in your back teeth than your front. These teeth have a surface unique only to you, similar to a fingerprint. Some people may have more microscopic cracks or fissures. These cracks make it easier for cavities to come about because pits form when food and bacteria build up in these fissures.  If your teeth are overcrowded, which means they are more tightly compacted together, this can also help breed cavities. With your teeth being closer together it is easier for food and bacteria to get stuck in them.Other main factors which can contribute to the problem are dry mouth and your diet. Most people think of dry mouth as being more of a nuisance than causing any actual damage. Thinking this way can be dangerous. Saliva substantially protects your teeth from cavities. Saliva neutralizes acid left on your teeth and helps strengthen your enamel. Your diet also plays a vital role in protecting your teeth. The more sugar that is in your system, the worse it is for your teeth. Cavities form when bacteria in your mouth comes into contact with refined sugars and fermentable carbohydrates such as soda and sweets.

Cavities: Solutions

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), over one in five Americans have untreated cavities. When seeing this stat, it appears cavities are unavoidable; however, this is very far from the truth. There are many different ways to prevent cavities. Although the first two factors listed above which lead to cavities are largely out of your control, there are still ways to prevent cavities. When holes form due to your unique tooth shape meaning, you may have more fissures than normal your dentist can monitor this by taking X-rays of your teeth. Your dentist can fill these cracks using either a filling or bonding. Overcrowding can also be a cause for cavity formation. A solution for this can be talking to your doctor about having teeth pulled or using spacers. This procedure would make it easier for you to brush and floss your teeth.Two cases in which you can have an impact on preventing cavities are limiting dry mouth, and diet. Different reasons can lead to dry mouth such as not enough water, chemotherapy, and exercise. There are ways to limit dry mouth; including limiting caffeine and tobacco consumption or chewing sugar-free gum. Diet plays a role in how likely you are to get a cavity. Sucralose is produced when consuming sugar this then sticks to your teeth and breaks down enamel. The easy answer is to stop eating sugary snacks and drinks. Foods that are good for you may also break down tooth enamel. Fruits are one of these examples as they are high in sugar. Although they are good for you, it’s important to monitor yourself to make sure you are not sacrificing your healthy teeth. Carbohydrates damage your teeth as much as candy and soda. Carbohydrates to stay away from are bread, pasta, and chips.

Cavities: Overview

Cavities are one of the most easily preventable things in life as long as you are cognizant. Once you know all the factors that contribute to the formation of cavities they are easy to stop. Although some of these factors are out of our control, we can still do our best to minimize their capability of becoming cavities. You can make enamel stronger by using a fluoride toothpaste and dentist approved fluoride treatments. You should also change your toothbrush often as well as floss regularly.Dr. Berger started her dental career in 2004 and had an unwavering commitment to offering a pain and anxiety free trip to the dentist. She is skilled in eight different courses which include comprehensive, restorative, and sedation dentistry.

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